Who’s Jesus Christ? 

Who’s Jesus? Who did Jesus claim to be? Who are the Apostles saying Jesus is? What are a few of the religions saying who Jesus is? Who the Bible claim Jesus is? How come it crucial to learn who Jesus is? Why most of the frustration? These is going to be a few of the topics of today’s Bible study.Let’s start with the issue who did Jesus state to be? To obtain an accurate solution of this problem we have to start at the beginning when Lord first introduced Himself to Moses in Exodus 3:14; And God thought to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM.” And He said, “Ergo you can tell the children of Israel, ‘I AM has delivered me to you.'”

Now let’s have a look at what Jesus has to state about Himself. In David 8:58 we study;”Jesus claimed for them, “Many definitely, I say for your requirements, before Abraham was, I AM.” Again we could see this in Steve 18:6 when Jesus said “I Am” the ability of the name of God bumped everyone to the ground. “Now when He explained for them, “I’m He,” they attracted straight back and dropped to the ground.”In Steve 1:3 we study that Jesus may be the author of the universe, the earth and everything which was made. That verse also claims everything were made through Him. The phrase “through” suggests in my experience that Jesus was utilizing the energy of the Father channeling through Jesus to produce everything. Look at this passage carefully and see what you think. “All things were produced through Him, and without Him nothing was created which was made.” This passage might have claimed all things were produced by Him but instead it claims through Him. In David 14:10 we see Jesus saying exactly the same thing. “Would you perhaps not think that I’m in the Dad, and the Dad in Me? The words that I talk to you I do not talk on My own power; nevertheless the Father who dwells in Me does the works.”

We have to go through the relationship between Jesus and the Dad more carefully. In Luke 10:22 we read; “Everything have been delivered to Me by My Father, and no-one understands who the Son is except the Dad, and who the Father is except the Child, and usually the one to whom the Child wills to reveal Him.”I think that the oneness spoken of by Jesus in beautiful terms is a significantly deeper oneness than we could ever hope to understand or realize here on earth. When we claim the Father, Son and Holy Heart are split and at the same time frame are one, the range that separates the oneness of all three is indeed confused it’s nearly impossible to separate them. We are able to start to see the distance between The Father, the Child and the Holy Spirit in 1 Steve 5:7 “For you can find three that bear watch in paradise: the Dad, the Word, and the Holy Soul; and these three are one.” We see this also in John 10:30 “I and My Dad are one.”

As hard as that is to know I just want to note that whenever we join Jesus in the millennium the Trinity will modify to the “Dad, Child, Holy Spirit and the Saints or even the kids of God, or the Sons of Gentle, or the Bride of Christ or Jesus and the saints could all be considered “Sons.” Search at Jesus’ prayer to the Dad right before He was taken fully to be crucified. The prayer is found in Steve 17:20-23.”I do not wish for these alone, but in addition for individuals who will[a] believe in Me through their word; 21 that each of them might be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that in addition they may be one in People, that the entire world may possibly feel that You sent Me. 22 And the glory which You gave Me I’ve given them, that they might be one just as We are one: 23 I inside them, and You in Me; that they might be created perfect in a single, and that the entire world may possibly know that You’ve delivered Me, and have loved them as You’ve loved Me.”

It seems to me that as Leaders and Priests in Jesus’ Kingdom we is likewise the main Godhead. We also see this in the prophecy within David 14:20, “At that time you’ll know that I am in My Dad and you in Me, and I in you.” I think these verses answer the problem within Psalm 8:4, “What is man that You’re aware of him, And the boy of person that You visit him?I simply thought this is worth mentioning today back to our study.Jesus described himself since the Daughter of Person and also the Son of God. Both are right since He was half person and half God. There are lots of sources confirming this truth listed here are two. In Level 10:45 we study “For even the Child of Man didn’t arrived at be offered, but to function, and to give His living a ransom for many.” In Luke 22:70 we read “Then they all said, “Are You then a Son of God?” So He explained to them, “You rightly say that I am.”

Following Jesus was resurrected the Apostle Thomas said he would not feel till he can feel the nail prints in His fingers and reach his hand into Jesus’ side. Following doing so we could see what Thomas’s response is: In John 25-28 we study, “Therefore he said for them, “Unless I see in His fingers the print of the claws, and put my hand into the print of the claws, and put my give into His part, I will not believe.”26 And after seven days His disciples were again inside, and Thomas with them. Jesus came, the gates being closed, and stood in the midst, and said, “Peace to you!” 27 Then He explained to Thomas, “Achieve your hand here, and look at My hands; and achieve your give here, and put it in to My side. Don’t be unbelieving, but believing.”8 And Thomas answered and thought to Him, “My Lord and my Lord!”When Jesus requested the Apostle Philip who do you state I am? In Matthew 16:16 we read Peter’s result, “Simon Peter solved and said, “You’re the Christ, the Boy of the living God.”

What are a number of the religions saying who Jesus is? The Mormons are declaring that Jesus and Satan are brothers. The Jehovah Witnesses are claiming that Jesus is an archangel like Michael. The Catholics claim you’ve to pray to Jesus’ Mother or to one of many different saints. The Islam faith says that Jesus is a prophet and the Hindu’s and the Buddhists genuinely believe christian mysticism Jesus is an “show individual.”To start with I would stay away from any church that statements to be the “only one correct church” ;.They are using pride to suck you in so you can feel comfortable in knowing that you will be smarter, better and more righteous than every one else. Recall the failure of pride. In Luke 14:11 it states, “For whoever exalts herself is going to be humbled, and he who humbles himself will undoubtedly be exalted.” These folks forget that in the guide of Discovery Jesus is publishing to His eight churches. Jesus wasn’t writing to His one correct church.What does the Bible claim about Jesus? The Bible claims that after the Great Tribulation that will last seven decades, Jesus will principle our planet for the following one thousand years. When Jesus comes to the earth to maintain His rightful place as King of our planet have a look at what His clothing claims in Discovery 19:16; “And He is wearing His gown and on His quad a title prepared: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS.